Packing Checklist
- Converter from 110 to 220 volts
- Adaptor
- Power cord
- Powerbank
- Pocket wifi- get from Pakistan
Cell phones, personal devices like laptops and iPads and Sonicare toothbrushes usually work on 220v and don’t need converters. Be sure to check your devices to see if they work for 220 voltage.
- Cameras: If you have come more for the experience, I suggest using a phone with excellent photo and video features like an iPhone, for example. It will do great photography and you will have less to carry and keep safe. If you are a serious photographer, then you will need to pack a nice camera/video camera and carrying bag.
- Tripod: mini tripod for your phone or a regular one for your camera
- Water filter bottle: water is unsafe for travelers in Pakistan so you will want to either get bottled water locally and/or bring a water filter bottle. Most places in Pakistan have bottled water.
- Snacks:
- Face masks
- Ibuprofen: An equivalent available in Pakistan is called Bruffen
- Tylenol or other acetaminophen: An equivalent available in Pakistan is called Panadol. And an equivalent to Aspirin is Disprin
- Imodium or Pepto Bismol tablets to prevent or heal upset stomach. I find Imodium to work the best.
- Lactaid: this is great for anyone that is lactose intolerant. Especially since every place you go to they will serve you chai with milk. It also helps keep your strength as you travel.
- Your regular medicines and multivitamins if you take them.
- Hand sanitizer
- Wet wipes
- Tissues/toilet paper
- Toothbrush & toothpaste
- Face and body mist: this will keep you refreshed and smelling nice.
- Solid stick deodorant: I find solid sticks to work the best in Pakistan. They are hard to find and best that you pack one.
- A good moisturizer: One of the best one for dry skin is silknstone.com.
- Lip balm
- sunscreen
- Any other personal items you need
Clothing for Northern Area
- Moisture-wicking base shirts to keep you dry as you sweat.
- Easy clothing like stretch pants and clothing that doesn’t need to be ironed.
- Warm socks
- Insulated jacket
- Accessories: Scarves, warm hat and gloves
Clothing for Women
- Modest clothing that covers your legs, chest and tush is best. But you can also wear t-shirts, tights, jeans and other western clothing.
- Scarves are preferred but not required. In some areas you might feel more free if you wear a scarf. I have found that sometimes the stares get to be overwhelming after a while. People are curious and interested, but at times you just want to do your own thing and not be stared at.
Clothing for Men
- Modest clothing is preferred for men. Pants, full sleeve or short sleeve shirts are best. Also the traditional shalwar kameez are great!
Because Pakistan is extremely hot in the summers you will want to have very thin, even gauzelike cotton fabrics to wear. T-shirts also work but you might want to keep your arms covered to prevent sunburn.
The winter only goes from December to February so pack warmer clothing, sweaters and jacket.
The best times to visit Pakistan is from late February to Late April. The weather is very pleasant and begins to warm up mid-March. During this time a sweater and mostly summer clothes work the best.