Karachi lies in the Sindh province and is the largest city in Pakistan with a large seaport that serves the Indus Valley River, India and Afghanistan, making it a major commercial, industrial and financial center. Karachi lies on the Arabian Sea, northwest of the Indus River. It used to be a fishing village in the 18th century and eventually developed into a main port for trade.
Although Islam is the primary religion of Pakistan, Karachi is the most diverse city of Pakistan with people of many different religions and cultures. It is the most cosmopolitan city of Pakistan, the twelfth largest in the world and one of the world’s fastest growing cities. The city has a mix of lower to upper class citizens with lower class occupying the older buildings in the city center of Karachi and the upper class spreading out into the suburbs and industrial workers in the outer zones.
Karachi is a major center for manufacturing and imports. Much of what is sold throughout Pakistan is made or imported in Karachi, with textiles and footwear being on the top of the list. Karachi is also known for its food and beverage manufacturing and creative handicrafts.
Popular places to visit in Karachi include: Gandhi Gardens, Fatima Jinnah Gardens, Mohatta Palace, Frere Hall and the beaches with viewpoints, wonderful restaurants and liveliness in the evenings. The beaches are a major hangout place for locals and tourists. Karachi is known as the “City of Lights” because of its vibrant nightlife with diverse restaurants of Pakistani and international foods and shops that are open late at night, even on the major beaches. ‘[]8uiu
Karachi has many sports clubs and arenas to watch games like soccer, hockey, cricket, etc.
“City of Lights“