My name is Kaniz. I have been traveling to Pakistan for over 20 years and am fascinated with the culture and ronak (liveliness) of the country. Every city I have visited gives me a different feeling and I learn new things each time I go. I can’t explain the excitement I feel in words so I want you to experience it for yourselves. Visiting Pakistan has changed my life. I am very drawn to the people and spending time with them, listening to fun stories and dancing with them is a yearly ritual for me now. I also love exploring new places to eat and eating great authentic foods and vegetables that are rich in flavor because of the clean, fertile soil in which they grow. I have never been able to reproduce the same flavors in my cooking in the USA because it simply tastes fresher and more wholesome when you eat from the land the recipes originated. Even then, it’s worth cooking because it is so delicious!

Please be sure to read my Blog. I will post new recipes, stories and other fun stuff every now and then for you to enjoy. If you have any questions or feedback for me or even stories of your own, I would love to hear from you.
A Little Note About My Company
The Great Escape Tours is a company that gives you the most meaningful tours to destinations in the Ancient cities of Pakistan. Visiting historical sites and museums is not all that we do. We take you deep into the lives and cultures of the most sought out cities in Pakistan that have deep roots, rich history and vibrant culture. You will visit artisans with talents only found in Pakistan and discover places only the locals know about. Each city has a culture, artwork, language and lifestyle of its own and each city has a special dish or dessert you will only find in that city. Although Pakistan is a small country compared to many, it is quite vast in culture, making it more fascinating to explore.
So pack your bags and let’s embark on a new and exciting journey!
Self Portrait My family enjoying street food (Samosa chaat & gol gappe) My favorite way to relax in the outdoors. All you need is a charpai under a tree.