FAQ For Travelers


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Traveling to Pakistan

Q: Is it safe for Americans and other foreigners to travel to Pakistan?

A: Yes. Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Imran Khan, has made it safe and easy for foreigner to visit Pakistan. Pakistan gets thousands of tourists each year. Many women have traveled alone to visit the country as well and have loved it!

Q: Is it difficult to get a visa for Pakistan for Americans and other foreigners?

A: No. Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Imran Khan encourages more and more travel to Pakistan and has made it easy to acquire new visas and renewals from the Pakistani embassy. Pakistani-Americans are encouraged to apply for the NICOP id card through NADIRA. This visa card is good for 10 years of entry.

Q: Where can I apply for a visa? How long will it take? What will it cost?

A: Tourists can apply for visas at the following website: https://visa.nadra.gov.pk/. The fees start at $60 per person for a 3 month visa. Multiple entry visa can be obtained for over one year as well. It take up to 10 days to receive visas.

Q: Can women wear pants and t-shirts in Pakistan?

A: Yes women can wear just about anything at long as it is modest. Covering the hair is not necessary but keeping legs covered is encouraged. It is not necessary to wear a traditional outfit while in the country but men and women gain much more respect if they try to embrace the culture.

Q: Is it offensive for a foreigner to dress like a Pakistani?

A: No. Pakistanis love seeing foreigners embrace the Pakistani culture and dress like Pakistanis, adorn their hands with traditional mehndi (henna) patterns, wear traditional jewelry, speak the language of the locals, etc.

Q: Can women wear pants and t-shirts in Pakistan?

A: Yes women can wear just about anything at long as it is modest. Covering the hair is not necessary but keeping legs covered is encouraged. It is not necessary to wear a traditional outfit while in the country but men and women gain much more respect if they try to embrace the culture.

Q: Is it offensive for a foreigner to dress like a Pakistani?

A: No. Pakistanis love seeing foreigners embrace the Pakistani culture and dress like Pakistanis, adorn their hands with traditional mehndi (henna) patterns, wear traditional jewelry, speak the language of the locals, etc.